Eco by Sonya's Award Winning Invisible Tan & Face Tan Water - AS SEEN IN VOGUE

It's been a while - so much has happened

Posted on May 12 2016

I haven't blogged since September last year! I really need to be a bit more organised with this blogging business... I can't remember all the exciting things Organically Epic have been doing since the 2015!

So, I'll start with the amazingness that is PearlBar...

In January this year we became the Exclusive UK Distributor for a lovely brand called PearlBar.  For those of you that do not know, PearlBar offer biodegradable, charcoal infused toothbrushes and floss picks.  They are seriously amazing!  Around Christmas time I came across them on instagram.  Their unique approach and philosophy caught me, I'd never seen toothbrushes like it before so I ordered some for myself and my little family.  6 weeks later I'm on the phone to the lovely Bridget, founder of PearlBar, and we were doing the deal for Organically Epic to become the Exclusive UK Distributor for PearlBar!  I loved them that much.  Initially, everyone at Organically Epic, including Karon, were very skeptical of PearlBar.  They couldn't see how a charcoal infused bamboo toothbrush was any different from the other bamboo toothbrushes that were currently on offer in the UK market.  Given that most of the other, more mainstream toothbrushes, were cheaper than PearlBar, the team thought I'd lost my marbles!

No no I said, just wait and see I said..... they will rock your world.  My insistence on a bamboo toothbrush rocking their world was met with more than just a titter of laughter.  When the first shipment of PearlBar came in, I gave every staff member a toothbrush. As little as two days later, every single staff member completely understood my excitement for the charcoal infused wonders.  The whole office had had their world rocked by PearlBar!  Even the avid electric toothbrush users, as I once was myself.

So, what makes PearlBar so different over cheaper, more well established bamboo toothbrush brands?

  • Their quality, compared to their rivals, is top notch.  From the branding and packaging to the toothbrush bristles and handles.  So much thought and detail has gone into PearlBar make sure that the products are of the highest quality
  • They are 100% biodegradable, even the packaging and the bristles
  • The toothbrush bristles are made of eco enhanced nylon, the floss picks are also eco enhanced and both will biodegrade within 6 months
  • Charcoal, how amazing is this wonderous material? and it's been infused with PearlBar's bristles & the floss picks.
  • The Charcoal bristles will help whiten your teeth, balance pH levels in your mouth, perfect for gum cleaning, whilst also acting as a cleaning agent to pull out impurities from your mouth, water and non natural toothpastes
  • Charcoal is antibacterial and one of natures best cleaning agents
  • The floss picks are so soft, there is no worry of hurting your gums like you can do with conventional, plastic floss
  • PearlBar aren't just a toothbrush, they have thought big by releasing charcoal infused, biodegradable floss picks and have another 2 new products launching this year so they are a whole range, a lifestyle so to speak
  • The bamboo that PearlBar use for their products is grown for 3 years, until full maturity and cut to ensure maximum strength and reliability
  • PearlBar are fair traded, Panda Friendly & Vegan
  • With each product including packaging being fully biodegradable you're safe in the knowledge that you are not adding to landfill, the seas around us or the oceans beyond!
  • Now this is one of the best bits... after you've used your PearlBar products, including the packaging, you can put them back into the earth for them to biodegrade.  Done, that's it.  I have a little toothbrush and floss pick graveyard in my garden... :)

So you see, not just a toothbrush, amazing cleaning and good for Mother Earth, win win in our opinion!

Trade Show News

We exhibited at the Professional Beauty Show at the end of February where we met so many wonderful people who loved Eco by Sonya & PearlBar.  We are regularly speaking with many of these contacts who range from stockists to retailers to magazines and make up artists.

Professional Beauty has opened a door for us within the industry and our stockist list is now regularly growing.  Organically Epic and the products we distribute, are on the radar with magazines, market leaders, even independent stores as well as larger retailers.

It was a hard two day event but fun too!  It was seriously manic.

We were also lucky enough to spend time with Alli and Holly from Eco Tan HQ at the Organic and Natural Show at the Excel in April.  Eco Tan/Eco by Sonya were exhibiting in London as they were looking for European Distributors in countries that they did not yet have distributors.  Their quest for world domination was seriously helped by winning not just 1 or 2 awards at the Natural Health International Awards 2016 but 3 awards!!!  Invisible Tan won the BEST FAKE tan in the Natural fake tan category and the Pink Himalayan Salt scrub and Sunscreens won highly commended in their categories! High praise indeed when up against other market leaders in Europe, or even globally! It was lovely to watch Eco's hard work be rewarded in the UK even though they've only been available here for such a short while.

Alli and Holly are a credit to Sonya's team in Australia.  They work so hard and are very good at what they do.  It was lovely to see them pick up their awards.

The Organic and Natural show was great fun, there are so many wonderful brands out there and it's great to see Organic and Natural Beauty moving forward and becoming more understood by the wider audience.  We spoke with many other brands who were exhibiting at the show, some we already knew, some who were fresh on the market.  We watched informative presentations and got to meet head buyers from the big retailers as and spoke to many people in the industry who were really helpful with their wisdom and knowledge.  We even bumped into the lovely Armand Beasley which was a treat.  Armand is a make up artist to the stars, presenter and lover of all thingsNatural and Organic and thankfully, a staunch advocate of ours.  He's so talented that he is the go to make up guy in the UK for superstars such as Goldie Hawn!

What does the future hold?

I'll be blogging more frequently on Organic and Natural news in general as well as any other topics I think you will all be interested in.  I'll keep you up to date more regularly on what is happening here, time moves so quickly and so much happens so it'll be good for me to keep a handle on this blogging business!

We have a whole week of Charity fundraising next week so I'll be blogging at the end of the week with photos and news of the silly things we got up to.

We will also have news on a new product launch, one that we will be stocking, not distributing as well as updates on all of our office goings on, shows attended

We've learnt so much since we first started Organically Epic, just under a year ago... it's been a hard, yet wild and exciting ride.  We expect big things from PearlBar and Eco by Sonya, with much more to come this this space!

For now, I will leave you with beach scene that is from the UK.  Yes, we have glorious, unspoiled beaches here too :)

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