Eco by Sonya's Award Winning Invisible Tan & Face Tan Water - AS SEEN IN VOGUE

Why Organic

What Makes Eco by Sonya different?

Eco by Sonya are a healthy alternative with no hidden nasties.

They made Australian history by becoming the first and only tanning company to be certified organic by the Organic Food Chain, under the Australian Government’s organic and biodynamic standards.

Eco by Sonya's organic processor number is 0660.  EBS are certified as a cruelty free company by Choose Cruelty Free.  They are certified toxin free by the Safe Cosmetics Board in Australia and are also accredited under PETA's beauty without bunnies campaign.  The colour in Eco by Sonya tan is derived from cacao (chocolate) so their products do not contain green or orange tones.  EBS's Products also do not contain synthetic ingredients or GMO’s.

‘Truth within labels’

Please be aware of misleading organic claims!

Look beyond the fancy marketing and be sure to research the ingredients displayed on labels for yourself.

A company can claim to have an organic product but then add a number of synthetics.  Logic would then dictate that the product is no
longer organic.

Check the labels for a recognised industry certification logo and processor number.  

“Our skin is our largest organ. A lot of what we put on it, absorbs into our blood stream.”

Ingredients Eco by Sonya Choose to use:

  • Chamomile Flower Extract
  • Avocado Oil
  • Honeysuckle Flower Extract
  • Rose Geranium Oil
  • Grapeskin Extract
  • Cacao (chocolate)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Macadamia Seed Oil
  • Lavender Extract
  • Grapefruit Extract

Ingredients Eco by Sonya Choose NOT to use:

  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Pegs
  • Parabens
  • Animal Derivatives
  • SD Alcohol
  • Synthetic Food Colouring & Artificial Dyes
  • Petrochemicals
  • Harmful Chemicals
  • Synthetic Fragrances


What are some of the benefits of choosing certified organic?

  • Organic products support sustainability as producing products organically reduces the dependence on non-renewable resources.
  • Certified organic products are grown and manufactured without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilisers, animal derivatives or GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism).
  • The certified organic production process works in harmony with nature, keeping harmful chemicals out of our environment.  The organic standards places great emphasis on building and sustaining healthy soil, crops and animal welfare.

The food we choose to eat and the products that we choose to use affect our health and quality of life.  The last thing our bodies need is yet another source of synthetic and harmful chemicals that can be found in many every day products, as research has shown that most of what we put on our bodies gets absorbed into our blood stream.

Certified organic products are not just chemical free but have been grown, prepared and processed just the way nature intended.

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